Congratulations to Larissa and Justin on the purchase of the Wild Birds Unlimited store in Glastonbury, CT! Larissa and Justin said, “we never would have imagined that we could turn our favorite shopping store into two brand new careers, and a whole new future for the two of us. When the opportunity presented itself, we could not pass it up. As our lives grew more complicated, and time more scarce, there was one hobby that always prevailed- our addiction to backyard bird feeding. Joining the flock at Wild Birds Unlimited had allowed us to combine our personal passions with our professional pursuits. We could not be happier! Thank you WBU for welcoming us into the family! Most of all, thank you to all of the wonderful loyal WBU customers! It is because of you all that this bright new future is possible for us, and for that we will be forever grateful!” We are so happy to have Larissa and Justin joining our WBU family!